TOEFL Listening

Listen to a conversation on campus between a professor and a student.


Student: Hi Professor Taylor.
Professor : Hi Jack.
Student: I was hoping that I could talk with you for a few minutes. It's about the test.
Professor: Oh, Okay.
Student: Well, I've never taken an open-book test, and I just do
Questions 1 - 4, Conversation.
Listen to a conversation on campus between a professor and a student.

1. Why does the man go to see his professor?

                  a) to borrow a reference book that he needs
                  b) to ask a question about the material
            Ans:c) to get advice about studying for a test
                   d) to pick up some handouts from the class

2. Why does the student say this:

              a) to challenge the professor's idea
      Ans: b) to encourage the professor to explain
             c) to try to change the subject
             d) to interrupt the professor respectfully

3. How should Jack prepare for the test?

              a) He should memorize the material in the book
               b) he should study the questions before the test
      Ans: c) He should organize his notes by topic
              d) He should not change his usual study plan

4. Why does the professor give open-book tests?

              a) Because she believes it helps students with memorization
             b) Because her tests contain a large number of small facts
              c) Because her students are more successful with the course
        Ans: d) Because she thinks it provides a better learning experience

5.  What is the lecture mainly about?

             a) change in economic systems
            b) tax incentives for business
     Ans. c) supply-side economics
             d) a favorable balance of trade

6. How does the professor organize the lecture?

            a) By contrasting several economic systems
    Ans. b) By taking a historical perspective
            c) By arguing against Friedman and Asmus
            d) By pointing out the benefits of Reaganomics

Economics Class:

 7. According to the lecturer, what did Kennedy and Reagan have in common?
               a) They were both honored as Nobel laureates in economics
      Ans. b) They cut taxes to spur the economy during their administrations.
             c) They identified themselves with supply-side economics.
              d) They both taught at the Chicago School of Economics.

8. What would Milton Fried most likely say about moving a manufacturing plant from the United States to a site abroad?

                a) He would oppose it because it would cause people to lose their jobs.
                b) He would consider it an opportunity for business to cut costs.
       Ans. c) He would view it as a natural process in the shift to technology.
               d) He would be concerned about the decrease in productivity.

 9. According to Barry Asmus, what are two key ways that consumers contribute to the creation of new jobs?

Click on 2 answer choices.
        A. a) By investing their tax savings
            b) By purchasing cheaper goods
            c) By moving on to better paying jobs
       A.  d) By spending more money

10. How does the professor explain the shift from manufacturing to technology?

         a) He points to the global economy as the explanation for it
          b) He disagrees with most economists about the long-term effects
     A.  c) He compares it with the change from agriculture to manufacturing
           d) He believes that it is too soon to draw any conclusions about it.

11. Why does the professor mention the General Electric plant?

        A.  a) Becasue the plant is a good example of increased productivity
              b) Because unemployment resulted from company decisions
             c) Because the company was able to retrain their employees
              d) Because the plant was down-sized and many jobs were lost

12. Why does the professor say this:

          a) He would like the students to answer the question.
           b) He is joking with the students about the supply-siders.
      A.  c) He wants the students to follow his logical answer.
           d) He is important because the students aren't [paying attention

13. In the lecture, the professor explains supply-side economics. Indicate whether each of the following strategies supports the theory.

Click in the correct box for each choice.
A. Reduce tax rates   v                   Yes                        ------             No
B. Cut government spending                                                            v
C. Increase productivity                v
D. Tolerate  temporary unemployment          v
E. Discourage consumer spending                                                 v

14. Put the following events in the correct order.

    a) Businesses hire more employees with the tax savings.
     b) The government works to affect a reduction in taxes.
     c) The businesses and their employees pay more taxes.
     d) Profits increase because of the growth in businesses.
Ans:   B A D C


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