TOEFL  Writing Section:

Integrated Essay Template:

The Introduction
The reading and the lecture are both about _____. 
The author of the article feels that ______.  or: The author of the reading presents three theories about _____.
The lecturer disputes the claims made in the article.
His position is that _____.
Use the following templates for the body paragraphs:
According to the reading  _____.
The article mentions that ____.
This specific argument is challenged by the lecturer.
He claims that ____.
Additionally, he points out that ______.

Secondly, the author suggests ______.
In the article, it is said that _____.
The lecturer, however, asserts that ______.
He goes on to say that ______.

Finally, the author posits that _____.
The author contends that ____.
In contrast, the lecturer’s stance is  _____.
He notes that _____.
You don’t need a conclusion.

Independent Essay Template:

“It is critically important that we VERB…“
“Personally, I believe…“
“I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.”
“To begin with…“.
“My personal experience is a compelling illustration of this.“
 “For instance,“
“In conclusion, I strongly feel that…“.
“This is because ______, and _______.“

The writing section tests your ability to write essays in English similar to those that you would write in College courses. 

The integrated Essay: 

First you will read an academic passage and then you will listen to a lecture on the same topic. You may take notes as you read and listen, but notes are not graded. You may use your notes to write the essay. The reading passage will disappear while you are listening to the lecture, but the passage will return to the screen for reference when you begin to write your essay. You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise your response. Typically, a good essay for the integrated topic will require that you write 150-225 words.

Sales Principles:


Three basic principles have been shown to increase sales. The first principle is to make more calls. To get more orders, it only makes sense to make more calls. In addition to contacting more potential customers, the salesperson will also get better at making calls because of the practice. Although the exact number of calls to increase the volume of sales will vary with the product, encouraging the sales force to add even a few more calls to their goals has produced good results for all types of businesses.
The second principle, contacting people who hold higher positions in the organization, is effective for two reasons. In the first place, it is more efficient to contact someone with the authority to approve the sale. If the call is made to a lower-level employee, a salesperson may be referred higher and a second call may be necessary. In the second place, if the call is made to a person who holds a lower position, that employee will probably have to take the idea up the line to a higher-level supervisor and well probably not be able to make as strong a case for the sale as the salesperson who made the original contact.
Clearly, closing is the most important part of a sale. If a salesperson continues the conversation without closing, the sale may be lost. Rushing the customer is not a good idea, but when potential objections have been addressed, creating a sense of urgency with some kind of deadline or incentive, and doing it earlier rather than later, will improve the chances of making the sale.

Example Essay​:

The lecture refutes the reading passage. According to the professor, recent research by Rackham contradicts three traditional sales assumptions​.
First, although it is logical that more calls will result in a higher sales volume, newer studies demonstrate​ that making more calls is only effective for items that do not require a large expenditure. For higher-dollar items, fewer calls translate into higher profits. The professor speculates that the salesperson’s time may be better spent on additional preparation than on more calls for expensive purchases​. 
The second point in the passage encourages​ calls to people higher in the company because they are in a position to approve the sale; however, Rackham’s investigation​ reveals the same rate of success for calls to higher and lower employees in the organization.
Finally, the professor disputes the rule that closing early and imposing deadlines will assure success. The professor maintains that early conversations and a series of logical next steps will close the deal without deadlines and pressure. In short, the old sales principles are not borne out by the new research studies.

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