TOEFL iBT Speaking :

Use Phrases:

Bring about - cause
carry on  - transact; continue
carry out  - complete ; accomplish
clear up - clarify
come about - happen
come across - find
come by - find accidentally
come out with - publish ; produce
come up with - create
cut down on - reduce
fall through - fail
figure out - understand
find out - discover
give off - emit
go after - follow
go back - return
go before - precede
go down - decrease
go on - continue
go over - review
go through - experience ; penetrate
go up - increase
keep on - continue
keep up - remain current
leave out - exclude ; omit
look for - seek
look into - investigate
look like - resemble
look over - examine
look up - locate information
look up to - respect
make out - understand with difficulty
make up - invent ; compose
pick out - select
point out - show ; indicate
put off - postpone
Put up with - tolerate
rule out - eliminate
run across - find accidentally
run into - meet by accident
set up - arrange
show up - appear unexpectedly
spell out - state in detail
stand for - represent
stick out - protrude
take into account - consider
take over - assume control
take place - occur
think through - reason
throw away - discard
touch on - mention briefly
try out - test
turn into - transform
turn out - conclude
turn up - discover
wind up - finish
 work out - active
write up - report

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