Q.1. Answer Templates

“I think it is a great/terrible idea to…”

Transition (optional)                  “I feel this way for several reasons.”

First Reason

“First…” + “For example…” (and a personal example)

Second Reason

“Second…” + “To be more specific…” (and a few more details

Q.2.  Answer Templates

Reading Main Point       “According to the announcement/article/letter…”
Reasons from Reading               “This is because ___ and ___.”
“The man/woman does not support this change.”

“The man/woman supports this change”

“The man/woman has a mixed opinion of this change.”
First Reason

“To begin with, he/she points out that…”

Second Reason

“Moreover, he/she argues that…”

Q.3. Stating the Term or Idea

“The reading is about (TERM/CONCEPT)”
Give a Small Amount of Detail from the Reading

“It states that…”

“The professor elaborates on this by providing an example.”
“The professor elaborates on this by providing two examples.”
First Example/First Part

“To begin with, he/she mentions that…”

Second Example/Second Part

“Next, he/she says that…”

Q.4. Stating the Lecture Subject and detail

“The lecturer explains SUBJECT/TERM by giving two examples/an example.”
First Example/First Part (3-5 sentences)

“First, she/he describes…”

Second Example/Second part (3-5 sentences)

“Second, she mentions…”

Give a Short Conclusion

“These examples (this example) demonstrate…”

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