Free IELTS MAPS Worksheet:

Important Phrases For Map:

 1. radical/significant changes have taken place in the

2. The two maps illustrate the

3. Looking first at the one

4. Moving on to the second map

5. Overall, comparing the two maps, there are significant changes after this development

6. It can be seen that the area developed a lot in the given period of 

7. There was a straight main road bisecting the town into two.

8.  the sea was developed as a

9. The rest of the area was mainly

10. It can be seen that there are a few similarities but many differences

11. was replaced by a park

12. has been extended to the

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Q.1. The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


 The two maps illustrate the same island while the first one is before and the second one is after the construction for tourism.

Looking first at the one before construction, we can see a huge island with a beach in the west. The total length of the island is approximately 250 metres. 

Moving on to the second map, we can see that there are lots of buildings on the island. There are two areas of accommodation. One is in the west near the beach while the other one is in the centre of the island. Between them, there is a restaurant in the north and a central reception block, which is surrounded by a vehicle track. This track also goes down to the pier where people can go sailing in the south sea of the island. Furthermore, tourists can swim near the beach in the west. A footpath connecting the western accommodation units also leads to the beach.

Overall, comparing the two maps, there are significant changes after this development. Not only lots of facilities are built on the island, but also the sea is used for activities. The new island has become a good place for tourism.

2. The diagram below shows the changes, which took place in a coastal area called Portland from 1950 to 2007. 

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the diagrams below.

Ans: The given diagram shows the changes, which occured in a coastal town, Portland, between 1950 and 2007. It can be seen that the area developed a lot in the given period of 57 years.

In 1950, Portland was located towards the south of the sea. There was a straight main road bisecting the town into two. In contrast, two side roads were there, one to the left and the other to the right. The left road led to an industrial area, whereas the right one led to the car park. The rest of the area was mainly grassland.

57 years later, the sea was developed as a Yacht Marina, circled by a newly built road, which was linked to the original straight road. Many apartments were built to the right. The industrial area on the left, was replaced by a park, a swimming pool and a multistorey car park. The side roads were shifted further southwards. The car park on the right was removed and many apartments were built in its place. On the south east corner of Pentland, many houses were built and a cinema was constructed in the corner between the main road and the left side road. Many shops were opened long the northern side of both side roads.

Overall, Pentland developed into a busy commercial coastal town over a period of half century.

3. The picture below shows the changes of park from 1980 to now. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Ans: The given pictures illustrate the layout of a park, in 1980 and also show the changes till the present time. It can be seen that there are a few similarities but many differences in the two layouts.

In 1980, the rectangular park was walled on all four sides with two gates, one towards the west and one towards the south. An 'L' shaped road connected the two gates. A small pond was there between the road and the west wall of the park. There were benches on three sides of the pond. On each side of the road, towards the southeast and southwest were flower beds, with beautiful fowers. In the north east of the park, there was an area full of trees.

A lot of changes can be seen in the present view of the park. The boundary wall has been totally removed. The main road has been extended to the north and the east side. Amidst the trees, some picnic chairs and tables have been placed and people can also enjoy the barbecue over there. The flower area on the southwest has been replaced by a bush, and that on the south east has been replaced by the play ground. The small pond and the benches have not been touched

Overall, the park has become an open space with no walls and gates.

4. The diagram below shows the changes made in an Australian park. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the changes made.

Ans:The given maps illustrate the changes an Australian park has undergone. There are a few things that remained unchanged and some new things have been introduced in the park.

The first map depicts the park in the past. A cycle path ran just south of the ocean. The park was divided into two sections by a path. The right side of the park had a cafe towards the northwest corner. There was a soccer field in the middle of the park and a few trees were there in the park. The left section of the park had only a few trees. Towards the south of the park, there was a road named Park Avenue.

There have been some changes, which can be seen in the park now. The cycle path has remained unchanged. In contrast, the park still has two sections, but there are many changes that can be seen in the park. The soccer field is in the same location. The cafe has been moved a little southwards. A tannis court has been made towards the south of the soccer fields. In the left section of the park, a few benches have been setup in the northeast part and an area for barbecue has been made in the southeast section of the park. 

Overall, it can be said that some additions have been made to the park to make the aprk more attractive for peolpe to visit. 

5. The map shows the village park, now and 10 years ago.

 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Ans: The given maps illustrates the developments that have taken place in a village park over a period of a decade. It can be seen that radical/significant changes have taken place over a period of a decade. 

10 years ago, the park was fairly simple, with entrance at the northwest corner. The football pitch was there in the centre of the park, towards the north of which were two tennis courts and on the northwest, a car park to accommodate about 20 cars was there. A children's play area was there on the northeast and towards the south east were some woods and a pond.

The second map shows that the park has undergone great changes in 10 years time. In contrast, a cycle path has been made all around the periphery of the park. The tennis courts have doubled and the car park has expanded to house about 50 cars. Children's play area has not changed, but it has a soft children's play area incorporated in the south. Toilets have been added towards the south of the chilkdren's area. The pond has been converted into a boating lake and the trees have been cut to make a cafe. A picnic area has been made on the south-west side.

Overall, the total area of the park is the same, but many things have been added and the functionality of the park has improved.  

6. The following maps show the changes that have taken place in Sydney International Airport since 1930. 
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. 

Ans: The given maps allow us to see changes in Sydney International Airport, over a period of 85 years. It can be seen that radical changes have taken place in the airport over the given period of time.

In 1930, the airport was relatively small and consisted/formed of one terminal and one runway, which can be seen in the centre of the layout between the Boston Bay towards the south and the road to Sydney towards the north. Towards the west of the terminal, a river flowing from the north to south can be seen merging into the Boston Bay.

The second map shows the present Sydney International Airport. The road on the north has been extended towards the north has been extended/enlarged towards the west for traffic coming from Canberra. The terminal has now become the International Terminal. A Domestic Terminal has been constructed/created towards the east with the runway 1 between both terminals. Two more runways have been added towards the south between the terminals and the Boston Bay. Two car parks have been made, one near each terminal. A hotel has also been constructed/set up/ built/established between the International Terminal and the river.

Overall, the Sydney International Airport has witnessed/observed/perceived a major development in a period of eight and a half decades. 

7. The pictures below show the plan of walton Museum in 2008 and the plan in 2012, after it was redeveloped.
 Summarise the inforamtion by selecting and repoting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Ans: The given maps illustrate the development of Walton Museum between 2008 and 2012. It is clear that massive changes took place in just four years.

In 2008, the South wing had storeys with a path on the west of it. On the first floor there was a special exhibition room, a shop and a cloak room. The entrance and reception were on the second floor. Stairs were there between the shop and the cloak room. Next to reception was a reading room.

By the year 2012, this building had four storeys with a lift from the first floor to the top floor. Children's play area was there in place of the cloak room, which was moved to the reception. On the second floor a self-service cafe was opened towards the eastern side of the lift above the reading room. On the west of the lift, above the reception and cloak room, a restaurant was constructed. Another exhibition room was built on the topmost floor above the cafe. Above the special exhibition room an entrance hall was made, which had a terrance above it.

Overall, except for the special exhibition room and the shop, the rest of the South Wing saw a major transformation.

8. The picture below shows the plan of a new town. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.

Ans: The given map illustrates the plan of a new town. A cursory glance at the layout is enough to make it clear that the town is planned to be well connected and provide all facilities to people.

It has been planned that the centre of the town will have some bus stands and parking lots. Four roads will emerge from the centre and lead to north, south and west and southeast. A ring road is also planned to go around the town. The housing areas are planned towards the inside and outside of the ring road. Four recreational areas are planned towards the south and one towards the east. Two industrial areas have also been planned, one on the southeast and one towards the northwest. These would provide job opportunities to people.

Overall, the town is well designed as the transport facilities seem to provide good connectivity and the recreational centres would be there for entainment. The industries in the suburbs would provide employment to people. 

9. The picture below shows a place in 1980 and after the construction of a hydroeelctric dam in 1990. 
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Ans: The given layout shows an area in 1980 and then after construction of a hydroelectric dam in 1990. It is manifest that the area changed radically after the dam was constructed.

In 1980, there was a river flowing from north to south among mountains. On the left side of the river, there was a forest, which was located to the north of some structures of architecture. Some rare plants and animals were there near these structures. On the right side of the river, a large piece of irrigated land was spread along the river, near a village.

In 1990, the place experienced a significant change. Forests were removed and even the structures were removed. The irrigated land was replaced by a hotel, and the villages were shifted to the southeast. A hydroelectric dam was constructed in the south of the river. As a result the river was enlarged and fishing could be done there. Some electrical towers were made towards the south of the dam.

Overall, the place became modren and more functional for the people. However, some biodiversity had to be sacrificed. 

10. The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket (S) is planned for the town. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the amin features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Ans: The given map illustrates two proposed locations for a new supermarket for the town of Garlsdon.

The first potential location (SI) is outside the town itself, and is sited just off the main toad to the town of Hindon, lying 12 kms to the north-west. This site is in the countryside and so would be able to accommodate a lot of car parking. This would make it accessible to shoppers from both Hindon and Garlsdon who could travel by car. As it is also close to the railway line linking the two towns to Cransdon (25 km to the south-east), a potentially large number of shoppers would also be able to travel by train.

In contrast, the suggested location, S2, is right in the town centre, which would be good for local residents. Theoretically the store could be accessed by road or rail from the surrounding towns, including Bransdon, but as the central area is a no-traffic zone, cars would be unable to park and access would be difficult.

Overall, neither site is appropriate for all the towns, but for customers in Cransdon, Hindon and Garlsdon, the out-of-town site (S1) would probably offer more advantages. 

11. The maps blow show the information about the riverage college 30 years ago and now. 
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Ans: The given maps compare the present structure of Riverage Collge to its structure 30 years earlier. It is clear that a lot of changes have taken place, but some things have remained as they were.

30 years ago, a flower garden was there next to the sports hall, towards its east, but now it has been replaced by the stairs, which lead to the terrace. The car park on the east of the college building has now been replaced by the flower garden. The reception can be seen added on the ground floor, below the reception. 

A classroom and an art class room have taken the place of four offices, which were there earlier above the reception. The library is at the same place as it was 30 years ago, but the common room below the library has been converted into a cafe. A refectory was there above the library, but now there is an office and a common room in its place. No changes have been made in the sports Hall, which is on the west of the building.

Overall, many things have been added in the college, but instead of four offices, now there is only one.

Q.12. The map show changes in the village of Meadowside and the town of Fonton from 1962 to now.
 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write a report of at least 150 words.

Ans: The given maps illustrate how Meadowside village and Fonton, which is a neighbouring town, have developed over three different time periods (1962, 1985 and now).

Overall, Meadowside village increased in size and has become Meadowside Suburb as it merged together with Fonton. Furthermore, there have been significant changes in infrastructure, housing and facilities over the period given.

In 1962, both Meadowside and Fonton were completely separated with no roads and rail connecting them. While Fonton had a railway line running through it to the north, Meadowside, located to the west of Fonton, only had a small road from the west.

By 1985, there was a considerable growth in the size of Meadowside village and Fonton. The small road in Meadowside village had been converted into a main road and was also extended to the east to connect with Fonton. Meadowside, moreover, had also developed a housing estate in the west, a leisure complex and a supermarket in the south.

Currently, both Meadowside, which is now a suburb, and Fonton are joined. The railway line, which runs through Fonton, has been extended to the west where a train station has been built. To the north of the station, a hotel has been constructed and opposite the station, to the south, there is now a business park.

13. Compare the town of Brindell and local areas in 1800, 1900 and 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Ans: The three maps illustrate the major alterations that Brindell and its neighbouring areas underwent over two centuries from 1800 - 2000.

In 1800, the whole district was largely separated by river Stour, which can be seen in the centre of the layout. Brindell was situated in the southwest end of the river. There were two agricultural zones near Brindell-one to the north was for growing crops, and the one to the east was for animals to graze. At northeast end of the river was an area of woodland.

The district witnessed several changes in 1900. Noticeably, the entire grazing area was converted. The upper part of grazing area substitituted by an industrial zone. A village called Bun Hill was constructed in the lower part for workers.

In 2000, many more changes were observed. Brindell expanded and became almost double in size. The farmland for crops shrunk because of the construction of Bun Hill Park. Bun Hill also grew in size and many more industries were opened towards the east of the village.

Overall, Brindell transformed itself from an agricultural based town to an area with versatile functions. 

13. The picture below shows Bell Hill farm in 1976 and the changes that took place in 2006. 
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Ans: The given map illustrates the Bell Hill farm in 1976 and the changes that took place over a period of thirty years. It can be seen that farm was transformed into an environment Centre by 2006.

In 1976, there was a farmyard in the centre, which was replaced by a recreational area by 2006. The barn in which corn was stored in 1976 was replaced by a multimedia room in 2006. The storage for farm machinery on the northwest was converted into a car parking area. 

The farmhouse on the south side was not changed at all. The cow-sheds and poltry area on the east were converted into student housing. The roads on the west were also not altered and remained as they were in 1976.

Overall, therefore it can be seen that the Bell Hill farm of 1976 underwent a complete transformation and bacame an Environmental Centre over a period of three decades.

14. The diagram below show the present building of a college and the plan for changes to the college site in the future. 
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Ans: The given maps illustrate the present and the future map of a college building. It is clear that many radical changes are proposed for the building in the future.

At present, to the north of the rectangular campus is a garden opposite the entrance. Along the west wall there is a footpath and a car park which towards the south there is the bus stop. There are two classrooms on the southwest side and there is also a slightly bigger classroom on the northeastern corner. Towards the south of the classroom are the reception and the library. An open area for lunch is seen on the northwest side. The toilets are on the south.

The most significant change planned is that the new building will have its entrance on the front side, where as the present entrance is in the back. Therefore, in the time to come, the college will face the main road and the bus stop would be right at the entrance. The footpath on the west side of the building will also become redundant and is planned to be merged with the car parking so as to widen it. The present tiolet on the south is planned to be shifted to the north. On the northwest a shop is planned to be made and the lunch area is proposed to go towards the south of the shop. 

Instead of two classrooms on the western side the plan is to have one classroom and the library. The library is also planned to be smaller than the present library. The reception is planned to be in the middle and all along the left side there would be four classrooms.

Overall, it can be seen that the college of the future would look very different from the present and would have five classrooms instead of three.  

15. The graph below shows a conference hall built in 1981 and planned for 2020.
Summarise the inforamtion by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Ans: The given diagrams illustrate the plan of a conference hall in 1985 and the proposed plan of the same hall for 2020. It is evident that some parts of the hall are planned to remain the same, where as some radical/beleiving changes are planned for the some sections.

In 1985, the hall had gardens on the eastern side. The north side had room, a small hall and a car park running from west to east side. There was another room on the western wall just in front of the room on the extreme northwest side. The reception was in the centre and the whole southern side had gardens.

Many changes have been proposed for 2020. The two rooms, the small hall and the reception are proposed to remain in the same place, but the car park and part of the garden on the northern side are planned to be changed to a new block for 20 rooms. The rest of the garden area of the east is proposed to be converted in the car park.

The IT course is planned to be built on the south-west side. A canteen and kitchen are proposed to be made by the side of the IT course room. Three meeting rooms and a game room on the southern side are also included in the plan for 2020.

Overall, it can be seen the conference hall will have many new rooms added in 2020, which would largely be at the expense of the garden area.

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