Study Habits:

A habit is a pattern of behavior that is acquired through repetition. Research indicates that it takes about 21 days to form of habit. The following study habits are characteristic of successful students. BE successful from these habits now. They will help you on the TOEFL and after the TOEFL.

Accept responsibility:

Successful students understand that the score on the TOEFL is their responsibility. It doesn't happen because of luck. It is the result of their own efforts. Take responsibility for your TOEFL  score. Don't leave it to chance. 
*Don't rely on luck
* Work diligently.

Get organized:

You will need a place to study where you can concentrate. Try to find a place where you can arrange your study materials and leave them until the next study session. If that is not practical, then find a bag that you can use to store all your materials so that you can have everything you need when you go to the library or another place to study. Don't use the bag for anything else. This will save time because you will not be looking for everything in different areas of your house or room, and you will not be trying to find TOEFL  preparation material among other things in the bag.

Set Realistic Goals:

Be honest about your preparation. Students who are just beginning to learn English are not prepared to take the TOEFL. Give yourself the time you need to prepare. By setting an unrealistic goal, for example, to finish preparing with this book in one week, you will probably be very disappointed. Even advanced students need time to learn academic skills and review language skills as well as to take model tests.
* Evaluate your English
* Set a goal that you can achieve.

Make a Plan:

It is not enough to have a goal, even a realistic goal. Successful students also have a plan to accomplish a goal. What are you going to do t achieve the goal you have set?
You will need to have time and resources. 

Establish priorities:

By analyzing your strengths and weaknesses on the test, you will know which sections of the test will be the most difficult and which will be easy for you. You will also know which problems within each section require the most study. By focusing on those sections and problems, you can set priorities and use your time wisely.

Manage Time:

How do you spend time? TOEFL preparation is planned for on a regular basis just like a standing appointment. If it is written down, it is more probable that you will give it the time necessary to achieve your goal. When you start to worry, use that energy to do something positive. Even a 5-minute review will help you.

Stay Motivated:

It is easy to begin with enthusiasm, but it is more difficult to maintain your initial commitment. 
How do you stay motivated?
To keep their energy up, some students give themselves small incentives. 

Choose to be Positive:

Your attitude will influence your success on the TOEFL  examination. To be successful, you must develop patterns of positive thinking. 
I know more today than I did yesterday.
I am preparing.
I will succeed.

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