IELTS Listening Book -7 Test-1 

Section  1

Questions  1 -5

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Transpost from Airport Milton

  Example                                                         Answer

Distance:                                                                             ........147 .....miles


* Car hire

- don't want to drive

* 1......................................

- expensive

* Greyhound bus

- $15 single,   $ 27.50 return

- direct to the    2..............................
- long    3.......................................

* Airport Shuttle

- 4............................. service
- every 2 hours
- $35 single, $65 return
- need to   5................................

Questions   6 -10

Complete the booking from below.

Write ONE WORD /OR A NUMBER  for each answer.


To:                    Milton

Date:                      6.......................      No. of passengers:    One

Bus Time:           Type of ticket:   single

Name Janet 8................................

Flight No:    9..................................                  From:  London Heathrow

Address in Milton:  Vacation Motel,
                                 24, Kitchener Street

Fare:               $35

Credit Card No:    (Vise )  10..................................

Section 2

Questions   11 -16

Choose the correct letter,  A, B or C.

11. PS  Camping has been organising holidays for

       A. 15 years
       B. 20 years
        C. 25 years

12. The company has most camping sites in

A. France
B. Italy
C. Switzerland

13. Which organised activity can children do every day of the week?

A. football
B. drama
C. model making

14. Some areas of the sites have a 'no noise' rule after

A. 9:30 pm
B. 10.00 pm
C. 10.30 pm

15. The holiday insurance that is offered by PS Camping

A. can be charged on an annual basis
B. is included in the price of the holiday
C. must be taken out at the time of booking

16. Customers who recommend PS Camping to friends will receive 

A. a free gift
B. an upgrade to a luxury tent
C. a discount

Questions 17 -20

What does the speaker say about the following items?

Write the correct letter A, B, C, next to questions 17 -20.

A   They are provided in all tents
B. They are found in central areas of the campsite 
C. They are available on request

17. barbecues  ............................
18. toys .....................................
19. cool boxes ..........................
20 mops and buckets ...................

Section  3

Questions 21 - 23

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


Individuals bring different:

* 21............................
* learning experiences

Work behavior differences are due to:

* personality

* 22. ............................

Effects of diversity on companies:

Advantage: diversity develops 23.................................

Disadvantage: diversity can cause conflict

Questions  24  -27

Choose the correct letter   A, B or C.

24.  Janice thinks that employers should encourage workers who are

A. potential leaders
B.  open to new ideas
C. good at teamwork

25.  Janice suggests that managers may find it difficult to 

A. form successful groups
B. balance conflicting need
C. deal with uncooperative workers

26. Janice believes employers should look for job applicants who

A. can think independently
B. will obey the system
C. can solve problems

27. Janice believes managers should 

A. demonstrate good behaviour
B. encourage co-operation early on
C. increase financial incentives

Questions 28 -30

Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY  for each answer.

28. All managers need to understand their employees and recognise their company's ............................

29. When managing change, increasing the company's........................... may be more important than employee satisfaction.

30. During periods of change, managers may have to cope with increased amounts of ...................................

Section  4

Questions 31 - 35

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


 Preparation for fieldwork trip to Namibia in 31...........................

Rock art in Namibia may be

* paintings 
* engravings

Earliest explanation of engravings of animal footprints

They were used to help  32...........................learn about tracking

But :

* Why are the tracks usually  33............................?
* Why are some engravings realistic and others unrealistic?
* Why are the unrealistic animals sometimes half 34................................?

More recent explanation:

Wise men may have been trying to control wild animals with  35.......................


Earlier explanation was due to scholars over-generalising from their experience of a different culture.

Questions  36 -40

Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

36. If you look at a site from a ................................., you reduce visitor pressure.

37. To camp on a site may be disrespectful to people from that .........................
38. Undiscovered materials may be damaged by..................................
39. You should avoid ........................... or tracing rock art as it is so fragile.
40. In general, your aim is to leave the site..............................................

Section  -2

Questions 11 - 14

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11. What kind of tour is Sally leading?

A. a bus tour
B. a train tour
C. a walking tour

12. The original buildings on the site were

A. houses
B. industrial buildings
C. shops

13. The local residents wanted to use the site for

A. leisure
B. apartment blocks
C. a sports centre

14. The Tower is at the center of the 

A. nature reserve
B. formal gardens
C. Bicentennial Park

Questions 15 - 17

Label the plan below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  for each answer.

Questions 18 - 20

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  for each answer.

Nature Reserve

Area                                            Facility                                       Activity

The Mangroves                              boardwalk                                     18........................

Frog Pond                                         outdoor classroom                     19......................

The Waterbird Refuge                     20............................                   bird watching

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