IELTS Book-5


Section -4

Questions 31 – 35

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

31. According to George Bernard Shaw, men are supposed to understand…politics…economics and finance.

32. However, women are more prepared to……learn……….about them.

33. Women tend to save for……children’s education…… and a house.

34. Men tend to save for………a car..and for retirement.

35. Women who are left alone may have to pay for…………nursing care…. When they are old.

Questions 36 – 40

Complete the summary below.


                                 Saving for the future

Research indicates that many women only think about their financial future when a 36…crisis…… occurs. This is the worst time to make decisions. It is best for women to start thinking about pensions when they are in their 37……early twenties…….. A good way for women to develop their 38……confidence……….. in dealing with financial affairs would be to attend classes in 39…money management…….. When investing in stocks and shares, it is suggested that women should put a high proportion of their savings in 40…low-risk investments… In such ways, women can have a comfortable, independent retirement.


Questions 11 - 20

Choose the correct letter A, B, or C.


11. In 1993 Dan Pearman went to Ecuador

A. as a tourist guide
B. as part of his studies
C. as a voluntary worker

12. Dan's neighbour was successful in business because he

A. employed carpenters from the area
B. was the most skilled craftsman in the town
C. found it easy to reach customers

13. Dan says the charity relies on 

A. getting enough bicycles to send regularly
B. finding new areas which need the bicycles
C. charging for the bicycles it sends abroad

14. What does Dan say about the town of Rivas?

A. It has received the greatest number of bikes
B. It has almost as many bikes as Amsterdam
D. Its economy has been totally transformed

15. What problem did the charity face in August 2000?

A. It couldn't meet its overheads
B. It had to delay sending the bikes
C. It was criticised in the British media

Questions 16 and 17

Answer the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

16.  How much money did the charity receive when it won an award?


17. What is the charity currently hoping to buy?


Questions 18 - 20

Choose THREE letters A - G.

Which THREE things can the general public do to help the charity Pedal Power?

A. organise a bicycle collection
B. repair the donated bikes
C. donate their unwanted tools
D. do voluntary work in its office
E. hold an event to raise money
F. identify areas that need bikes
G. write to the government


Questions 31 -40

Complete the notes below.




* world's highest, coldest and windiest continent

* more than 31...................... times as big as the UK

* most of the area is classified as 32...............................


*  international teams work together

* 33......................... is integrated with technical support

* stations contain accommodation, work areas, a kitchen, a 34.........................and a gym

* supplies were brought to Zero One station by sledge from a the edge of the ice 15 km away

* Problem of snow build - ups solves by building stations on 36............................ with adjustable legs


* average daily requirement for an adult in Antarctica is approximately 37.................. kilocalories

* rations for fieldwork prepared by process of freeze-drying


The most important research focuses on climate change, including

_  measuring changes in the ice-cap ( because of effects on sea levels and 38........................)

-   monitoring the hole in the ozone layer

- analysing air from bubbles in ice to measure 39.................... caused by human activity


Many openings for 40...................... people including

__  research assistants

___ administrative and technical positions

ans:    1. passport photos/ photographs

         2. bank statement

        3. 125 (per year)

        4. 8

       5. 1.50

       6. 48

      7. local papers/ local newspapers

8. card/ cards

9. Grantingham

10. Friday

11. C

12. C

13. A

14. C

15. A

16. &75,000

17. computers

18 - 20 IN ANY ORDER




SECTION 3, Questions 21 - 30

21. home / student's home

22. dinner/ come to dinner / go ot dinner

23. technical

24. slang

25. cooperating/ cooperation

26. persuading

27. editing

28. complete

29. experiment

30. long

31. 58

32. desert

33. science

34. hospital/ small hospital

35. ship

36. platforms

37. 3,500

38. currents/ocean currents

39. pollution

40. young

ielts listening test-3  book-5 

Questions 16 - 20

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

16. The speaker says international students at UK universities will be 

A. offered accommodation with local families

B. given special help by their lecturers

C. expected to work independently

17. What does the speaker say about university accommodation on campus?

A. most places are given to undergraduates

B. no places are available for postgraduates with families

C. A limited number of places are available for new postgraduates

18. Students wishing to live off-campus should apply

A. several months in advance

B. two or three weeks in advance

C. at the beginning of term

19. The university accommodation officer will

A. send a list of agents for students to contact

B. contact accommodation agencies for students

C. ensure that students have suitable accommodation

20. With regard to their English the speaker advises the students to

A. tell their lecturers if they have problems understanding

B. have private English lessons when they arrive

C. practise their spoken English before they arrive

Section  - 3

Complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER  for each answer.
Feedback Form

Course:   Communication in Business

Course code:   CB 162

Dates:    From 21................................... to 22..............................

Please give your comments on the following aspects of the course:

Section -4

Questions the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER  for each answer.

                         HOUSEHOLD WASTE RECYCLING

31 .   By 2008, carbon dioxide emissions need to be ......................... lower than in 1990.

32. Recycling saves energy and reduces emissions from landfill sites and ....................

33. People say that one problem is a lack of ' ........................' sites for household waste.

34. Glass designed to be utilised for...................... cannot be recycled with other types of glass.

35. In the UK............................ tons of glass is recycled each year.

Questions 36 - 40

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  for each answer.


1. 1.4 litres                                                                21. 5th May

2. automatic                                                              22. 16th July

3. light/sky                                                                23. clear

4. credit                                                                      24. outline

5. Harries                                                                    25. 2nd half

6. Dr / Doctor                                                              26. teaching/ teachers

7. Alton                                                                          27. discussion/ group discussion

8. messages                                                                    28. handouts

9. Lion                                                                            29. written work

10. reasonable                                                                30. student support

11. C                                                                               31. 12.5%

12. E                                                                               32. incineration plants

13. references                                                                 33. drop-off

14. country                                                                      34. cooking

15. weather                                                                     35. 500,000

16. C                                                                                36. roads

17. C                                                                                 37. soil conditioner

18. A                                                                                  38. containers

19. B                                                                                   39. pencils

20. C                                                                                       40. business cards

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