IELTS Speaking Test 

1. Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved

You should say:

* What it is?

* Why you haven't achieved it?

* What you did?

* How you felt about it?

Ans: I have so many ambitions in my life. However, the one ambition that I am working on right now is to go for higher education in Canada. Earlier I did not have any plans to go abroad, but a conversation with a friend who went to Canada changed my opinion. She told me about the difference in the qulity of education and the work opportunities available there. 

So, after completing Master's and doing job many years now I decided to go to Canada for another Master's course in education. I did some research about that their requirement that good score in English Language Test like IELTS or TOEFL.

I bought so many books and started my preparation from them. There is a lot of free material available on the Internet. So, I used that to prepare myself and I hope to get good band. 

Follow -up Questions:

1. What ambitions do children usually have?

Ans: Children have many ambitions. The first ambition is mainly about the profession in childhood, everyone has an ambition to do something noble like becoming a doctor or do something exciting like becoming a pilot or an astronaut. Then, children also have an ambition of earning huge amounts of money.

2. Why are some people very ambitious in their work?

Ans: I think it's just  a part of their nature. They are ambitious because they want to grow and achive something in their life. They want to be known for their work.

3. Why don't some people have dreams?

Ans: I think everyone has certain dreams. It's just that some people are too lazy to work for their dreams. On the other hand, there are others who can do anything for their dreams and it shows.

4. How do people balance work and life?

Ans: I think everyone does it in their own way. My mother switches off her work mobile phone after 5pm. Some people do it by taking regular breaks when they only focus on their family. I think it is something almost every person tries to do and fails. In recent years, even government are taking steps like limiting work hours so people are able to do so.

2. Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way.

Ans: Everyone faces problems in life and some people have a great presence of mind and can solve problems without panicking. Here I would like to talk about my aunt Rokya, who solved a problem in a really clever way and I remember it was about 15 years ago.

I was cooking chicken curry and suddenly I added too much salt. When my aunt saw that she started using some potatos and tomatos. after that it was dalesiuos dish all people like that and it was my daughter's birthday. So, oviously I was too much panic and don't know how I remove all extra salt. Finally when she helped me and felt like so thankful about the situation. But my aunt saved the situation and nobody even came to know that the problem had happened.

Follow- up Question:

1. Do you think children are born smart or do they learn to become smart?

Ans: some children are innately more intelligent than others. However, I believe that with proper guidance children can be taught to be smart.

2. How do children become smart at school?

Ans: by listening to the teachers, interesting with their peers,and doing their studies diligently.

3. Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

Ans: Some people are naturally curious to learn a lot of things and so they become well-rounded. However, others try to master one skill and become proficient in that.

4. Why does modern society need talent of all kinds?

Ans: Everyone cannot be proficient in all the things. So, to have a harmonious society there has to be a mix of people with different talents so that they can work together for the benefit of the whole society.

3. Describe a famous person that you are interested in.

I would like to meet many famous people but here I am going to talk about 

Tahsan Rahman Khan is a Bangladeshi model, actor, singer, composer, and songwriter. 

He also serves as a professor at BRAC University in Dhaka. He is credited with composing 

Alo Alo, which has become one of the most famous songs in Bangladesh. A multi-talented personality, 

Tahsan Rahman Khan has also appeared as a judge at popular events like Miss Universe Bangladesh.

His focus on development, eye for detail and efforts to bring a qualitative difference in the lives.

He is a role model for one and all. I would like to meet him and seek his blessings. Every country needs people like him to take their nation to the top.


1. What type of people are famous in your country?

Ans: In my country cricketers very famous, filmstar are very famous and at hte same time, some people who have an outstanding achievement or have accomplished something in life become public figures. Most of these people are role models and many people dream of becoming like them. So, people who can attract large crowds become famous in my country.

2. How do people become famous nowadays?

People become famous when they have achieved something that other common people have not done so far. Some of the movie stars are very famous because they have a box office hit. Some singers are famous because of their singing talent. Politicians become famous for their ordanary skills. There is another category of famous people that become famous among people by their wrong deeds.

3. What is the difference between people who were famous earlier and who are famous now?

Ans: A few decades ago people were famous who had achieved something or had hit upon an invention. Some people were famous for their acrifice or for their giving nature for example Mother Teresa. Nowadays many people are famous just because they are children of famous people their dressing sense or singing talents.

4. What qualities do famous people have in common?

Ans: All the famous people have a public appeal they have a talent or charm that can attract crowds. Some famous people are very intelligent like the famous mathenatician Shauntala Devi. But one thing is sure, a famous person must always be humble and grounde only then he will retain the fame.

5. What do you think about nepotism amongst the famous people?

Ans: Nepotism is a practice to use power to favour their near and dear ones. Recently nepotism debate was ignited in the Bollywood after the death of Sushat Sing Rajput. Basically, nepotism was always present among the famous people because many politicians or celebraties wanted to use their influence and give a platform to their children to achieve success. Even in the ancient times the kings and the Nawabs used to have their near and dear ones on the highchairs so nepotism was always present wherever there was fame. 






You have just arrived at a new university. It is orientation week and you want to know about the different clubs and associations you can join. Your examiner is a Student Union representative.

Ask the examiner about: types of clubs

                                          meeting times



Interviewers Notes


Prompts for interviewer

Overseas Students Club

* Meets once a week in Student Centre, near Library

All Welcome

* Helps you to meet other students

* Financial contributions welcome

Chess Club

* Meets once a week in Library            Not suitable for beginners

* Plays other universities                        Serious players only

* No subscription

    Table Tennis Club

* Meets every day at lunch-time in 

student area near canteen

* Arranges tournaments

* $ 5.00 subscription

                 Test - 2



You have to give in a piece of work to your lecturer next Wednesday. You need two more weeks to prepare the assignment because you have had difficulty obtaining the reference books. Your examiner is your lecturer. Find out if you can have an extension.

              Ask the examiner about :

             regulations regarding late work

            possibility of having more time

            different sources for books/information

           assistance with writing for overseas students



The student is seeking extra time for an assignment.

* The student may need to write a letter.

* The student has had plenty of time to prepare the work and should not really need two more weeks.

* Provide some idea about where he/she may get hold of the books.

* Offer advice about the 'Learning Assistance Centre' on the campus which helps students with essay writing.

    After some resistance, agree to an extension of one week.




There will soon be a public holiday in the country your examiner comes from. You want to find out about the holiday.

Ask the examiner about:

          The name of the public holiday

     the significance of the holiday

       availability of services on the day

      (banks/ shops/cinemas)

things for visitors to do

  how she/he plans to spend the day

Test -4



The Overseas Students' Club is organising an excursion to a local tourist spot. You are thinking of joining excursion. Your examiner is one of the organisers.

Ask the examiner about:


                     means of transport

                   length of excursion




Interviewer's notes

The excursion

Select an authentic tourist destination about two hours' drive from your city. Provide the following information according to local facts:

* Details about what can be seen/dome there

* Special bus provided

*Departure and arrival times

* Suggest appropriate local cost

* Meals not provided - students can buy or bring food

* Walking shoes recommended

                    Book -2

Part 1 is like an interview. The examiner will ask you short answer questions on common topics relating to my life or my country. 

1. What is your job?
Ans: I have been working as a teacher in a English Medium School for 16 years.

2. Where do you work?
Ans: I work at school as a Science teacher since 2005. After completed my Master's in Botany. In the next few years, I'm planning to job become school leadership or co-ordinator that means principal job. So, I wish to go abroad for my higher education.

3. Why did you choose that job?
Ans: I'm a teacher, so I've to spend a lot of time talking to different students. I love learning amd sharing my knowledge with learners. I've decided to go to University to earn my Master's in Education. Teaching my subject matter every day has been an absolute joy. Likewise, it has been incredibly rewarding to watch students learn and develop so quickly.

4. Is it a popular job in your country?
Ans: It is dream job that will allow them to teach and mentor students using their own style and developing their skills effectively. 

5. Do you like your job?

Ans: Yes I do, it's rewarding teaching career. I enjoy working with students in the classroom. I loved teaching science and passionate about that. Before I came into teaching, I thought everything was planned out that teachers were told 'lesson one will be on cells' and so on. I now realize how much freedom you have to explore and throw your own personality into your teaching.

Science is an explorative subject. Within a 50 minute lesson, students can go from knowing absolutely nothing about say, the way rocks are made, to thinking, actually, I do know how sedimentary metal.


Home/ Accommodation:

1. Do you live in house or flat? 

What kind of housing do you live in?

Ans: I live in a flat which is very small and new building.

2. What's your favourite room in your home?



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