TOEFL Speaking:



Notice Concerning Old Main

Now listen to a professor who is speaking at the meeting Some expressing her opinion about the proposals.


The professor doesn't support the plan to demolish the main structure of Old Main and build a new structure around the original clock tower. She presents three arguments. First, she says that the brick structure now standing is strong and it would require only minor repairs. And second, she points out that the electrical and plumbing problems in the old building could be repaired for less than the expenditure for a new building. Finally, she opposes the construction of a new building around the original clock tower because she thinks that the tower would be... would look odd in the new setting. She would probably support the alternative plan, which is to repair the original building.

Read a short passage and then listen to part of a lecture on the same topic.

Plate tectonics assumes that the Earth’s rigid outer layer is comprised of a number of slabs called plates, which are constantly in motion, changing the position of landmasses and seascapes relative to each other throughout history. The plates move slowly but continuously at about the rate of 2 inches every year. The movement of the plates themselves may be caused by the unequal distribution of heat and pressure below them. Very hot material deep within the mantle, that is, mantle, putting the outer crust of the continents in motion, Several large plates include an entire continent with its surrounding seafloor; however, the boundaries of the plates do not correspond precisely with the seven continents that we recognize today.

Now listen to part of a lecture in a geography class. The professor is talking about Pangea.

Q. Explain how plate tectonics relates to the theory of continental drift.


According to the theory of plate tectonics, the outer layer of the Earth is made up of plates that are continually moving, and consequently, changing the relative position of the land and oceans. Building on this theory, scientists have proposed that about 250 million years ago, there was only one landmass, a huge continent that they have named Pangeas, and it included all of the continents that we observe today. But about 200 million years ago, the plates caused Pangea to drift and break into a Northern continent that included North America, Greenland, Asia, and Europe, and a Southern continent that contained South America, India, Antarctica, and Australia. By about 135 million years ago, the plates had separated the landmasses into more or less the seven continents that we recognize today and positioned them fairly close to their current locations.

Q. Describe the woman’s problem and the two suggestions that her friend makes about how to handle it. What do you think the woman should do, and why?

The woman's suffering from daily headaches, and she's controlling the plain by taking Tylenol. The man suggests that she make an appointment with a doctor at the Health Center because the problem should be diagnosed by a professional, but he also mentions the possibility that the doctor might refer her for an eye exam. Apparently, the problem's worse when she's been staring at the computer for exam, the student health insurance may pay a large percentage of the cost for glasses. So I think the woman should take the man's advice because eyestrain's a common problem for college students, and she probably does need an eye appointment, but by going to the doctor at the Health Center first, she can be certain that there isn't something more serious going on, and if she needs glasses, the referral will probably allow her to use her insurance benefit.

 Now listen to part of a lecture in a business class. The professor is discussing the way that a fax machine transmits and receives data.

Q. Using the main points and examples from the lecture. Describe the three parts of a fax machine and then explain how the fax process works.

A fax machine has three parts. The fax that's sending text and images has sensors to read black and white points on paper and communicate the patterns digitally to a microprocessor, and the microprocessor it recreates the images in black and white dots. So this part of the process is like a copy machine. So then the digital information I mean the image in black and white dots it's converted into an analog signal that's made up of electronic impulses. The impulses are sent over a phone line, like a modern. Then the fax machine that's sending the information connects with another fax machine that's receiving the information. They communicate with two tones, one that signals a black dot and another that signals a white dot. And the fax machine that receives the tones begins to print the dots on paper in the same way that any printer produces an image. So fax is really a combination copier, modern, and printer.

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