TOEFL Speaking Q/A

Withdrawal from Classes//Ballads//Policy

In order to qualify for a refund of 100 percent at any time during the semester, you must first establish eligibility. Serious illness or injury must be verified by a written statement signed by a doctor or a psychologist. The death of a family member must be verified by a death certificate. Military duty must be verified by a copy of the orders. Students who wish to withdraw without submitting official documentation may do so before the end of the drop-add period without penalty. After the end of the second week of classes, students may petition for a 90 percent reimbursement. After the end of the fourth week, students are eligible for a 50 percent refund.

Q. The student expresses her opinion of the policy for reimbursement. Report her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for having that opinion.

Now listen to the students discuss the policy with each other.

3. The woman thinks that the eligibility requirement for a 100 percent refund after the second week of classes should be changed. Right now, to qualify, you have to show documentation of serious illness injury, death of a family member, or military duty. She points out that there could be a case when a students family might need help but the circumstances wouldn’t be covered by the policy. She suggests that there should be a way to petition for full reimbursement by explaining the situation, each case should be decided based on the circumstances, not on such a limited number of possibilities. So her solution to the problem would be to add the option of petitioning for full refund by explaining the reason for requesting an exception.

4. Ballads:

A ballad is a poem that tells a story and is sung to music. Usually, the story is of unknown origin and a number of versions may be found for one song, a characteristic that stems from the oral tradition. As the song is passed on from one singer to another. A word is added or changed, or a slight alteration is made in the tune. In short, ballads represent a living tradition that evolves as the song is performed and passed to the next musician. A collection of ballads has been preserved in written form in the volume English and Scottish Popular Ballads by Francis James Child, and many ballads are still referred to by their “Child number”.

 Now listen to part of a lecture in a music appreciation class. The professor is talking about the ballad of “Barbara Allen.”

Q.4. Q. Define a ballad, and then explain “Barbara Allen” can be classified as a ballad.   

Ans: A ballad is, and I’m quoting here, “a poem that tells a story and is sung to music”. Characteristic of most ballads is the rhyming of the second and fourth lines. Usually ballads are part of an oral tradition, which, it means that over the years, the song is revised as it’s passed down from one musician to another. Some popular ballads have been written down and assigned a number in a reference book by child. Now, “Barbara Allen” is classified as a ballad because it tells a story about lover’s who were not united in life but are joined symbolically in death by the rose and the thorn around the world. One version is listed in the Child reference as number 84. So you see, “Barbara Allen” is not only a ballad. It’s a very popular one.

Q.5. using the main points and examples from the lecture, describe the kind of information that Ultrasound can provide, and then explain the way that ultrasound is used in medical diagnosis.

5.Ans: Ultrasound is like sonar because it sends out ultrasonic pulses, and then it picks up the reflections of the pulses. In the case of ultrasound, a crystal creates sound waves at such a high frequency that you can’t hear them, but when the device that transmits the waves is placed on some part of your body, it sends the waves inside to the part that’s being tested, the organs reflect the sound waves. So that informs the doctor if you have anything suspicious there. Ultrasound is very useful in locating cancer and other growths, but it’s also used in prenatal care to examine the baby in the months before it’s born. In fact, it’s fairly standard to produce images of babies to check their patterns of growth, using ultrasound. So ultrasound is very useful; for medical diagnosis because it can provide accurate information without surgery or surgical procedures.

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