IELTS E-mail Writing

Type                                               Purpose

Formal                                                     requesting info
                                                                applying for job
                                                              complaining product/service
                                                                making a suggestion/recommendation

        Semi-formal                                       complaining to land lord
                                                                   explaining to neighbour
                                                                   asking for permission

              Informal                                    inviting friend
                                                              asking for advice

              Formal                                              Dear Sir/Madam
                                                                       Yours faithfully

         Semi formal                                         Dear Mr Brown Yours   Sincerely
                                                                      Dear Ms  Stone

                      Informal                                               Dear Jhon                    Best regards
                                                                                   Dear Susan                  Warm wishes

                  Start the letter 

                           Asking for information:

  •                       Formal              I am writing to inquire about
  •                                                 I am writing to inform you
  •                                                 I am writing in connection with
  •                                                  I am writing to find out about
  •                                                  I would like to know about...

  •                    Informal           I hope you and your family are all well
  •                                              How have you been?
  •                                              It's been too long since we were last in touch

  •                   Use Standard written expressions:
  •              Formal                      My sincere apologies for
  •                                              I'd de grateful if you could
  •                                             Could you please
  •                                             sincerely, faithfully, connection
  •             Informal                       I'm very sorry for

  •             Expressing concern:                 I was very sorry to learn/hear that
  •                                                               I am writing to express my concern about

  •            Expressing satisfaction:          I was delighted to learn that
  •                                                            I was thrilled to hear that
  •                                                              I was very glad to hear that
  •             Giving Bad news:      I am pleased to advise you that 
  •                                                  I am delighted to inform you that
  •                                                 I am happy to tell you that
  •              Thanking :       I am extremely grateful for..........
  •                                        I am really appreciate..........
  •                                       Thank you for........................

  •                           Apologizing:               Please accept my sincere apologies for....
  •                                                               I am very sorry about.....
  •                                                                     Sorry for....

  •                           asking for help:           I'd be grateful if you could
  •                                                               I would appreciate it if you could
  •                                                                Could you please

  •                          Closing :                               I look forward to hearing from you.....
  •                                                                        I look forward to seeing you.......
  •                                                                       I look forward to meeting you....

  •                            Giving reasons:                      This is due to...................
  •                                                                            This is result of............
  •                                                                           This is because................

  •                     Making suggestions:                       Perhaps it would be........
  •                                                                              useful to..............
  •                                                                               Perhaps it would be possible to.............
  •                                                                                It might be helpful to................................

  •                      * When you write letter use correct spelling
  •                     * Divide the letter into paragraphs
  •                    * Use clear, legible hand writing
  •                    * Write 150 words
  •                     * Finish in 20 minutes
  •                     * situation
  •                     * describe
  •                       * solution

Q.1. You are working for a company. You need to take some time off work and want to ask your manager about this.

Write a letter to your manager. 
In your letter.
* Explain why you want to take time off work 
*Give details of the amount of time you need 
* Suggest how your work could be covered while you are away.

Dear Jen,

I am writing to request some unpaid leave next month.

My parents' 60th wedding anniversary is on March 21st, and they are planning to celebrate this significant achievement with all their children and grandchildren. To do this, they have rented a house big enough to accommodate the whole family.

To participate in this special occasion, I would need to be away from work for four days, from Monday 19th to 23rd. My schedule for that week is relatively light, apart from two meetings with clients. Netta would be able to attend these in my place, as she has had previous dealings with companies and knows the relevant staff there. I have no other urgent work commitments at that time.

I would be very grateful if you could allow me this time. These few days are very important to my parents and the whole family, and it would be a way to thank them for all the support they have given me.

Best wishes

       Sharmin Jahan 

Q.2.  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not work. You phoned the shop but no action was taken.

Write a letter to the shop manager. In your letter

* describe the problem with the equipment

* explain what happened when you phoned the shop

* say what you would like the manager to do.

Write at least 150 words.

You do not need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Formal Letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to express my disappointment with the induction stove that I purchased from your shop a couple of days ago. I found it in working condition initially, but then after a few hours of use, it malfunctioned. I contacted your shop and was assured a quick solution but nothing has been done since then. I am hoping you would replace it with a fresh one immediately.

I was very excited to purchase it but disappointed to find that it had manufacturing flaws. While using the stove, I tried to increase the operating temperature. But I could not do so and it takes a much longer time than needed to cook anything. I am distressed that the sole purpose for its purchase failed and I ended up purchasing a faulty product. The invoice number is 5566123 and I am attaching the receipt with this letter. I called the customer care officer of your store but he failed to propose any solution despite his assurance.

It would be great if you could replace my faulty induction stove with a new one since it has a valid warranty for one year. I think this matter deserves your attention and so address this problem immediately.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


Q.3. You have recently moved to a different house.

Write a letter to an English - speaking friend. 
In your letter
* Explain why you have moved
* describe the new house
* invite your friend to come and visit

Dear Dee,

I am writing to let you know that at last, we have moved to a bigger house! We just could go on living in the two-bedroom bungalow now that the twins are growing up and the new baby has arrived. So we started looking- and one thing led to another and finally, here we are in our new home.

I'm sure you'll like it. We have three bedrooms now, and a new modern bathroom and kitchen. The kids are happy because there is much more space with the big living room and the garden outside. But Miti is the happiest of all because he doesn't need to do much decorating.

Why don't you come round this weekend and see what you think of our new place?

We would all love to see you and if the weather is good we can have a barbecue in the garden.

Our new address and phone number are below, so give us a call and let us know when to expect you.

Lots of love,


Informal letter

Q.4. Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some friends.

They have just sent you some photos of your holiday.

Write a letter to your friends. In your letter

* Thanks them for the photos and for the holiday

* explain why you didn't write earlier

* invite them to come and stay with you

Q.5. You have recently started work in a new company.

Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter
* explain why you changed jobs
* describe your new job
* tell him/her your other news

Dear Aen,

I hope this finds you and your family well, and I'm sorry I haven't been in touch recently. I'm writing now to let you know about my new job.

You remember that I was working for that construction company a few miles outside the city? Well, I just got so fed up with it - I was working really long hours and, to be honest, the pay wasn't great. So basically I applied for a job at a new international company that was looking for admin staff for a new branch in the city centre.

I was a bit nervous in the interview, but in the end I got a job as one of the senior administrators. I am so happy! The pay is better, the working conditions are great and I don't have to drive to work anymore.

Anyway, I have to stop now because my sister is staying with me and has brought my baby nephew to meet me. She sends you lots of love and is asking when we can all meet up. Soon, I hope.

With love,




You and your family are living in rented accommodation in an English-speaking country. You are not satisfied with the condition of some of the furniture.
Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter 

* introduce yourself

* explain what is wrong with the furniture

* say what action you would like the landlord to take


Dear Mr. San,

I am your tenant from Flat 3 on Riverside Street. We met each other when I signed the rental agreement in your office.

I have lived here for 8 months now and I am writing to complain about some of the furniture. As you may remember, the dining table is in very poor condition and has uneven legs. It also does not match, the dining chairs as these are too low to be comfortable for a table of that height. When I first pointed this out to you, you agreed to provide a brand new dining set. However, you have not done so and I would really like to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

If it is more convenient for you, perhaps you could simply replace the table by finding one of a suitable height for the chairs. This would solve the problems without too much cost, so I hope you agree to this proposed solution.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,



 You have just moved into a new home and are planning to hold a party.

You are worried that the noise may disturb your neighbour.

Write a letter to your neighbour. In your letter

* introduce yourself

* describe your plans for the party

* invite your neighbour to come

Write at least 150 words.


Dear Ms. Mim,

I am Sharmin and I have recently moved with my family into the house next to yours. I am a teacher and I live with my daughter, and husband, who is a banker. I have planned to throw a party and invite some guests on the 10th of June and I would really appreciate your presence at that party.

Since this is the first time our family is moving into a house that we own, we have planned to throw a party and invite some friends, colleagues, relatives and neighbours. We have arranged a dinner party and want to share this special moment with the people we care about and love. I have also planned to arrange a music show which would make the event more enjoyable. I hope you would not mind about sound. I would feel very delighted if you could join the party.

My apology for any inconvenience it might cause to you, but I assure you that I have already made arrangements to make it less noisy by a plan to conduct games for children and keep them engaged. We will also place soundproof coverage at the entrance of my house.

Hope you will accept my invitation and join the party.

Yours sincerely,


Q. 8.  You travelled by plane last week and your suitcase was lost. You have still heard nothing from the airline company. Write to the airline and explain what happened. Describe your suitcase and tell them what was in it. Find out what they are going to do about it.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I was one of the passengers who took the flight from Bangladesh (Dhaka) to the USA (Newyork) on 5 August. Unfortunately, I explained this to Mr Mc Donald who was in charge at the Luggage claim office. I have not heard from him as of now.

My suitcase is a grey Samsonite whose size is 70 x 95 cm. There are 3 stickers on one side and 1 heart-shaped sticker on the other side. My initial "SR" is also written on both sides.

There are a few books and a copy of my thesis in that suitcase, which I need for the conference on 19 August.

So, I would deeply appreciate it if you could give me a prompt reply at your convenience. My flight number luggage claim number and address are written below.

                                Flight No:  PR 303

                               Luggage claim No: 00036

                               Address: 65   silver street

                               London. NW 167  AL

Yours faithfully,

Sharmin Jahan

Q.9. Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your house flat.

Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter

* explain the reasons for the noise

* apologise

* Describe what action you will take

Dear Sam,

I was very shocked to get your letter saying that the noise from my flat has been spoiling your evenings and causing some distress. I am extremely sorry about that, I had no idea that you would be able so much, so I hope you will accept my apologies.

As you may have guessed, I am trying to refit my bathroom in the evenings when I get home from work. Unfortunately, it is all taking longer than expected and I have been having problems with getting things to fit properly. This has meant a lot of hanging and hammering.

As the bathroom is still not finished, I have decided to call in a professional builder who will finish the work in the next day or two. He'll work only during daytime hours, so you won't be disturbed in the evenings again, I promise.

Sorry to have caused these problems.

Best regards

Sharmin Jahan


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