TEST -4   BOOK-9

Section   1                               Questions    1 - 10
Questions 1 - 6
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY  for each answer.

                                                  Health Centres

Name of                                                            Doctor's                                 Advantages
Centre                                                                name

The                                                    Dr. Green                               especially good
Harvey                                                                                            with 1................
2...........................                              Dr. Fuller                     offers 3.................


The Shore

Lane   Health                                    Dr.  4............................


5 - 6             Choose Two    letters                           A - E

Which TWO of the following are offered free of charge at shore Lane Health centre?

A. acupuncture
B. employment medicals
C. Sports injury therapy
D. Travel advice
E. Vaccinations

Section  2                                Questions    11 - 20

Questions  11 - 13

Label the diagram below.
Choose THREE  answers from the box and write the correct letter,  A - E, next to questions 11 - 13.

A. electricity indicator
B. on/off switch
C. reset button
D. time control
E. warning indicator

Questions   14 - 18

Where can each of the following items be found?

Choose  FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A - G next to questions 14 - 18.


A.   in box on washing machine
B.   in cupboard on landing
C.   in chest of drawers
D.   next to window in living room
E.    on shelf by back door
F.    on top of television
G.   under kitchen sink

14.  pillows  .................................
15.  washing powder .........................
16.  key ...............................
17.  light bulbs ............................
18. map ..........................

Questions  19 and 20
Complete the notes below.


The best place to park in town - next to the station
Phone number for takeaway pizzas -  19....................................
Railway museum closed on   20.................................................

SECTION  3                     Questions  21 - 30

Questions 21  and 22
Choose the correct letter , A, B, or C.

21. In her home country, Kira had

A.  completed a course
B. done two years of a course
C. found her course difficult

22. To succeed with assignments, Kira had to

A. read faster
B.  write faster
C. change her way of thinking.

Questions  23  -25
Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY  for each answer.

23.  Kira says that lecturers are easier to................................. than those in her home country.
24.  Paul suggests that Kira may be more ................................ than when she was studying before.
25. Kira says that students want to discuss things that worry them or that ......................... the very much.

Questions  26 - 30
Answer the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER  for each answer.
26.  How did the students do their practical sessions?.....................................
27. In the second semester how often did Kira work in a hospital?..................................
28. How much full-time work did Kira do during the year?.............................
29. Having completed the year, how does Kira feel?...........................................
30. In addition to the language, what do overseas students need to become familiar with?

Section 4
Questions  31 - 40

Questions 31  - 36

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

               Wildlife in city gardens

31. What led the group to choose their topic?

A.  They were concerned about the decline of one species
B.  They were interested in the effects of city growth
C.  They wanted to investigate a recent phenomenon

32. The exact proportion of land devoted to private gardens was confirmed by 

A. consulting some official documents
B. taking large - scale photos
C. discussions with town surveyors

33. The group asked garden owners to 

A. take part in formal interviews
B. keep a record of animals they saw
C. get in contact when they saw a rare species

34. The group made their observations in gardens

A. which had a large number of animal species
B. which they considered to be representative
C. which had stable populations of rare animals

35. The group did extensive reading on

A. wildlife problems in rural areas
B.  urban animal populations 
C. current gardening practices

36. The speaker focuses on three animal species because 

A. a lot of data has been obtained about them
B. the group were most interested in them 
C. they best indicated general trends

Questions  37 - 40

Complete the table below.

Write  ONE WORD ONLY  for each answer.

Animals                                       Reason for population                                         Comments
                                                  increase in gardens

37.......................                         suitable stretches of water            massive increase in urban population


Headgehogs                            safer from 38................                         easy to 39..................
                                                when in cities                                         them accurately

Song thrushes                 a variety of 40........................                        large survey starting soon
                                        to eat
                                        more nesting places available



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